Saturday, February 25, 2012

ReporItems referring to a cell containing a subreport?

Hi guys,

i have a column in a report that must calculate a percentage based on two columns that follow them. I am aware that i can use the ReportItems! collection for this, but one of the columns i need to reference is actually a subreport because its data comes from a different source. It is just a single cell subreport, which makes it appear totally part of the table it is in. Is this possible? Just to be clear, what i want is an expression like this in my cell:

= FormatPercent( ReportItems!CurrentEarnings / ReportItems!BudgetedEarnings )

the BudgetedEarnings cell is actually a subreport, but all i want is the text it is showing.

Thanks for any help or suggestions!


No, referring to a report item in a subreport is not allowed.

|||Dang! Thanks |||Hi, how did you get around this issue? I am trying to do the same thing.

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